Courtney Landin
Hi, I’m Courtney Landin, a Family Health Coach and personal trainer focusing on exercise, nutrition, and, sleep. I'm am American living in Sweden, but can help coach you no matter where you are in the world via courses and online PT.
My past athletic career includes competing in the sport of luge for the U.S.A. in World Cups, World Championships, and two Olympic Games (2002, 2006). After retiring from luge in 2010, I quickly realized I wanted to stay within the athletic world.
I competed for 16 years, so training is a part of my life and I knew I had to keep working out, even while pregnant. I became pregnant in 2013, yet there wasn't a whole lot of information about how to keep training during pregnancy and I was shocked! After experiencing how pregnancy changes the body and how little information there was, I became passionate about helping mamas feel their best. I studied at Fit for Birth and completed their Pre and Postnatal Corrective Exercise Specialist course and also completed their Pre and Postnatal Diastasis and Core Consultant course. I knew right away that I wanted to share this knowledge with women!
The journey towards writing Gravidstyrka began with a conversation with Karin after one of her training sessions. We were both passionate about informing and working with women about training during pregnancy. We are so proud to be able to share this knowledge with women through Gravidstyrka and Mammastyrka! Follow along with us on Instagram at @gravidstyrkathebook.
My past athletic career includes competing in the sport of luge for the U.S.A. in World Cups, World Championships, and two Olympic Games (2002, 2006). After retiring from luge in 2010, I quickly realized I wanted to stay within the athletic world.
I competed for 16 years, so training is a part of my life and I knew I had to keep working out, even while pregnant. I became pregnant in 2013, yet there wasn't a whole lot of information about how to keep training during pregnancy and I was shocked! After experiencing how pregnancy changes the body and how little information there was, I became passionate about helping mamas feel their best. I studied at Fit for Birth and completed their Pre and Postnatal Corrective Exercise Specialist course and also completed their Pre and Postnatal Diastasis and Core Consultant course. I knew right away that I wanted to share this knowledge with women!
The journey towards writing Gravidstyrka began with a conversation with Karin after one of her training sessions. We were both passionate about informing and working with women about training during pregnancy. We are so proud to be able to share this knowledge with women through Gravidstyrka and Mammastyrka! Follow along with us on Instagram at @gravidstyrkathebook.